Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Wrap Up of September and Welcome of October

Fall is officially here with all it's beauty of golden leaves and crisp air.

September was a glorious month with warm weather and plenty of sunshine. It was also the beginnings of the school year. My first born experienced her first day of kindergarten and she has been in love since. My last born and I started a mom and tots program at the school as well. I love Waldorf school, a lot!!! In the world of business and fashion, my pop up shop was fully booked with vendors. And the top 3 most loved products were:

Game Changer Tunic
Casual Vibe Sweatshirt
Epic Leggings

Along with this wonderful changing of the seasons comes quite possibly my favorite, fall fashion! I love me a good cardi, cozy blanket scarf and a chic toque. The selection is growing on my site.

After much anticipation, the new makeup line KENZLEY will be lauching this month. Makeup is a way for women to be the most beautiful version of themselves. The company's aim is for high quality, easy to apply makeup. Keep an eye out for this launch.
And with that being said, it's only fitting that our October hostess special is a KENZLEY product. Host a qualifying shop and get the Bon Voyage Train Case and a KENZLEY full volume mascara for $39.

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Do You

Urban dictionary: do what you feel is best for you

It is so human nature to compare yourself to others around you and inevitably end up feeling sorry for yourself or feeling like your coming up short or feeling stressed that you have the same or whatever the feeling is you end up with.

Forget your neighbors, forget your friends, stop the comparison and do you!

We think different, we like different things, we respond in different ways, we have different shapes and different sizes. We have different talents, we solve problems in different ways and so on. We are all unique. It's time to own it. Embrace it. Love it!

Live YOUR best life. Do you.

1. Stop dieting...this is mostly for women. I'd like to hear from any women who have never been on a diet. Does such a phenomenon exist? Stop hating your body. Love your body. Media sucks, stop trying to be something someone else has defined as beautiful. Your body is an amazing gift. Embrace it. Make a life long commitment to eat healthy without ridiculous rules and restrictions. Feast from God's seasonal garden. Focus on eating whole real foods. Enjoy other things in moderation from time to time. Be active. That doesn't mean hit the gym x number of times a week. It just means get up and do something. Walk, play, swim, clean, bike, sled, skate, ski, garden. Whatever you like, just move as your body as it was designed to. Sure, hit the gym but make it a life time manageable realistic amount.

Throw away the scale. It's a garbage number that means nothing. Measure your success with markers of health. How's your energy level? How's your mood? How's your self image? How's your overall health? We are all different shapes and sizes. Aim for YOUR best weight- eating the best you can and being as active as you can given today's limitations and barriers. Consistent realistic changes you can do for life.

2. It's ok...whatever it is that didn't go how you envisioned. Life is a process, a journey. Other opportunities come. I'm not trying to simplify or minimize your disappointments. I'm just saying, it's ok. It's ok to mourn, it's ok to be disappointed. But most importantly, it will all be ok in the end.

3. Get up...don't let set backs get you down for long. If it's bigger than you, seek help. Don't give up and don't quit. Try another route, try another plan. Just get back up and try again.

4. Be simple yet so difficult. It's a process to get there but you can do it. The law of attraction has many great positive living strategies. Implement them. My favorite one is gratitude. Each day, record 3 things you are grateful for that day. When you focus on the good and your blessings, your life becomes one of abundance and joy.

5. Love amazing gift. Everyone can love life and have abundance. Count your blessings. Get out there and enjoy what life has to offer. You do not need to be financially rolling in it to do so. Check your local events and festivals listings, hit the parks, use the amazing resource of the public library, play games with family and friends, sing, dance, camp, sled. Check out if there's any subsidized programs/passes you can qualify for.

You are amazing. You are loved. You are important. Love life. Live life. Do you.