Wednesday 4 October 2017

Wrap Up of September and Welcome of October

Fall is officially here with all it's beauty of golden leaves and crisp air.

September was a glorious month with warm weather and plenty of sunshine. It was also the beginnings of the school year. My first born experienced her first day of kindergarten and she has been in love since. My last born and I started a mom and tots program at the school as well. I love Waldorf school, a lot!!! In the world of business and fashion, my pop up shop was fully booked with vendors. And the top 3 most loved products were:

Game Changer Tunic
Casual Vibe Sweatshirt
Epic Leggings

Along with this wonderful changing of the seasons comes quite possibly my favorite, fall fashion! I love me a good cardi, cozy blanket scarf and a chic toque. The selection is growing on my site.

After much anticipation, the new makeup line KENZLEY will be lauching this month. Makeup is a way for women to be the most beautiful version of themselves. The company's aim is for high quality, easy to apply makeup. Keep an eye out for this launch.
And with that being said, it's only fitting that our October hostess special is a KENZLEY product. Host a qualifying shop and get the Bon Voyage Train Case and a KENZLEY full volume mascara for $39.

Sunday 1 October 2017

Do You

Urban dictionary: do what you feel is best for you

It is so human nature to compare yourself to others around you and inevitably end up feeling sorry for yourself or feeling like your coming up short or feeling stressed that you have the same or whatever the feeling is you end up with.

Forget your neighbors, forget your friends, stop the comparison and do you!

We think different, we like different things, we respond in different ways, we have different shapes and different sizes. We have different talents, we solve problems in different ways and so on. We are all unique. It's time to own it. Embrace it. Love it!

Live YOUR best life. Do you.

1. Stop dieting...this is mostly for women. I'd like to hear from any women who have never been on a diet. Does such a phenomenon exist? Stop hating your body. Love your body. Media sucks, stop trying to be something someone else has defined as beautiful. Your body is an amazing gift. Embrace it. Make a life long commitment to eat healthy without ridiculous rules and restrictions. Feast from God's seasonal garden. Focus on eating whole real foods. Enjoy other things in moderation from time to time. Be active. That doesn't mean hit the gym x number of times a week. It just means get up and do something. Walk, play, swim, clean, bike, sled, skate, ski, garden. Whatever you like, just move as your body as it was designed to. Sure, hit the gym but make it a life time manageable realistic amount.

Throw away the scale. It's a garbage number that means nothing. Measure your success with markers of health. How's your energy level? How's your mood? How's your self image? How's your overall health? We are all different shapes and sizes. Aim for YOUR best weight- eating the best you can and being as active as you can given today's limitations and barriers. Consistent realistic changes you can do for life.

2. It's ok...whatever it is that didn't go how you envisioned. Life is a process, a journey. Other opportunities come. I'm not trying to simplify or minimize your disappointments. I'm just saying, it's ok. It's ok to mourn, it's ok to be disappointed. But most importantly, it will all be ok in the end.

3. Get up...don't let set backs get you down for long. If it's bigger than you, seek help. Don't give up and don't quit. Try another route, try another plan. Just get back up and try again.

4. Be simple yet so difficult. It's a process to get there but you can do it. The law of attraction has many great positive living strategies. Implement them. My favorite one is gratitude. Each day, record 3 things you are grateful for that day. When you focus on the good and your blessings, your life becomes one of abundance and joy.

5. Love amazing gift. Everyone can love life and have abundance. Count your blessings. Get out there and enjoy what life has to offer. You do not need to be financially rolling in it to do so. Check your local events and festivals listings, hit the parks, use the amazing resource of the public library, play games with family and friends, sing, dance, camp, sled. Check out if there's any subsidized programs/passes you can qualify for.

You are amazing. You are loved. You are important. Love life. Live life. Do you.

Wednesday 27 September 2017


Since I've been back in Canada I've applied to like over 100 jobs. I got one awesome part time one in FSJ but we moved so I had to quit 😡 Such is life. The struggle to find work continues in this big city. I've applied to a variety of jobs ranging from the city to the dollar store. Nada. I'm a mover and a shaker so I created my own job. They don't want me. Screw em. I want me. I'm the best employee I ever had! Organized, efficient, motivated and just damn well on fire. I'm so blessed to have found me. My dream job is to be my own boss. Why? So I can be free to work around my kids and family needs. That makes me sound more saint like than I actually am, believe me!

I'm doing a couple things that interconnect. I am a stylist with Silver Icing an online boutique that is Canadian. I seriously love the clothes and the company. Those of you who know me, wouldn't have put me in the fashionista category. Secret: I've always loved fashion. I've just kept the love buried as fashion industry doesn't show the love to curvy girls. Well step aside stuck up fashion snobs. Now I have a great selection of cute chic comfy quality clothes that are affordable and fit my curves (which I'm forever trying to trim down...that's a whole other post). For the first time, I look good and feel good. That's huge! My dearest friends know me to be rather low in self image. But hey guys, that's changing. Clothes don't make a person, true. But they sure do make one feel put together with head held high. Bonus, I get fashion perks and commission from any sales. Sales have been slow to pick up but businesses take time to build up clientele. I was discouraged to the point that on Saturday, I decided to end the pursuit of this job op. But, I got a blessing (for something totally unrelated) and Heavenly Father said don't give up the passion for this clothing, business will pick up and will get there. To help with that and to diversify my business plans, enter venture number 2...

I'm organizing pop up shops and vendor markets. I was lying in bed one night after frustratingly having had searched markets and pop up shops in this city. Then I was given inspiration: create your own market. So. I did. I looked high and low for a venue. Blessed with an affordable one right across the street. Over 20 vendors have registered and are booked to show. First one will be November 25th. I'm doing all kinds of promotions/advertising. Classic print ads and signage, modern social media events and out of the box ideas. I'm going to build up the name and have a few during the year. Watch out for my market Ladies Day Out Pop Up Shop and Market. I want to do some things to make this event different from other craft markets. There will be swag bags for the first group of shoppers. There will be light refreshments. There will be a Discovery toys playzone. There will be door prizes. There will be gift wrapping. Entrance is free and plenty of parking. This is also a great opportunity for me to promote my clothing. And enter venture number 3...

Feng shui. I received certificates in feng shui and a few other complimentary therapies in South Africa. I will be promoting my consultation side of my business to build that up too.

My 3 ways to diversify and build my own business. Any time you support me and make a purchase or book a consult, my mompreneur heart does a massive happy dance! This is not a get rich quick route, but a hard work in projects that I love and hope to make a financial contribution so my family can have an above average life. Before you run to walmart or old navy OR before you log on to zulily or amazon and make the billionaire man richer, check out my little boutique and help support the local stay at home mom. Pretty please. I support you and will support you in the future 😃

Signing out with a few pics of some of my fav SI clothing that is slowly overtaking my wardrobe.

I love the trendspotting cardi. It's like a circle with sleeves and drapes beautifully. It is versatile too. Wear with leggings or with a dress. The leggings are amazing. They have 8 way stretch and never go sheer. They smoothed me out too, they don't claim to do that but they did. And this Christie sweatshirt has the perfect hem to cover your bummy bum (as my 3 year old says) and it is so soft that when my mom touched the material her eyes bugged out and said she needs this (she is NOT one to shop so this is a big compliment/review).

Gemma tunic is bamboo and gets softer with each wash. I've had it for a year and it gets better with age. Galaxy crops for a lively legging. 

Miranda plaid is such a staple piece. It is also so soft and has perfect stretch, it passes the steering wheel test. Love it! Goes great with the Sparrow tank which is modal (beech trees) and it too gets better with age. Key pieces are so affordable. Under $40!

Strike a pose top which too is made from modal and my summer vibes aviators. I love those dang sunflowers.

my bamboo top again and aviators

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Positive Radiance Necklaces

These positive radiance necklaces bring exactly that into your day, positive radiance! They make a great gift and as they are hand made, it is a unique item and it is fairly priced. The current crystals I'm using came with me from South Africa. This supply won't last.

Crystals exude a wonderful energy that encourage peace, joy, radiance, happiness. Rose quartz is wonderful as it replaces negative feelings with positive ones. Any dark stone will ward off or dissolve negative energy. There are no wrong choices with crystals. What you are drawn to is the energy that you need.

I make these with love. I can do a custom order with your choice of color crystal, black or off white cord and you can choose the bead colors and quantity. These are beautiful that accent any outfit. They go great with any outfit especially my Silver Icing Emma's Closet line..

They are $15 plus shipping (varies depending on your country). I take email transfers or paypal. Interested in buying one? Email me! Or msg me through my Silver Icing FB page

Monday 19 June 2017

A Life of Abundance Through The Universal Law of Attraction

You get what you think about whether you want it or not. The law of attraction doesn’t differentiate between “want” and “don’t want” it only responds to the thing you are thinking about. That is the crux of the law of attraction. As you think about something and put effort and further thought into that thing, you’ll begin to feel emotions.

Your life is as it is now because of your thoughts, beliefs and actions. If you want to make a change, then you need to change what you think about, your limiting beliefs and some of your actions. Understanding the law of attraction and using the tools will lead you to your desired life of happiness. You need to direct your thoughts and energy to what you do want and stop focusing or worrying about what you don’t want.

The law of attraction is always at work regardless of you being aware of it or using it to your benefit. Your thoughts and emotions send vibrations and attract like back to you. Fortunately, positive thoughts and emotions vibrate at a higher frequency than negative ones. This is to our benefit as it will take longer for receipt of negative things in our life based on constantly being in a negative mind frame and energy. The buffer of time is also to our benefit. Things don’t manifest immediately after a thought.

Your emotions are your guide. When you feel at peace and happiness with a thought or desire, then you will manifest it to you as it is in harmony with your inner being. In any given day, you will have a myriad of thoughts. But it is the ones that you give energy to that will be the ones that will play out in reality.

The law of attraction brings to fruition our thoughts and desires in many forms including experiences, opportunities, inspirations and information. You need not worry about the how or when you will manifest your desire. The universe opens ways that we couldn’t even imagine and it will be done in the right time. You just need to have a clear focus and vision of what you do want. There are many good desires but if you think of something good that you think you want but it invokes negative emotion such as stress, pressure, worry then that good desire is not in harmony with your inner being or soul and it won't manifest in to your life.

When the universe opens doors and provides opportunities and ideas pop into your mind, you need to take action. That is the law of attraction at work to help you achieve your desires. You also need to take action to generate feelings of having it now. Do you want a new car? Test drive the ones that you want to own. Do you want to take a trip? Start looking up flights and hotels. Also, make whatever it is a part of your reality through exercises like scripting about it in present tense or painting it. Put your focus of attention and point of attraction towards that dream.

You are the creator of your reality! My workbook will provide you with plenty of tools and exercises for you to use on a regular basis to bring about positive change and lead you towards that life of abundance and happiness.

Saturday 17 June 2017

Wardrobe Essentials That are Always in Style

No wardrobe is complete without 7 key pieces that are timeless classics. These pieces can
be mixed and matched with each other and play the role as your basic wardrobe. Then as
fashion trends come and go, you can add some inexpensive pieces to accessorize and add
splashes of new excitement.
1. White Tee
Goes with, well, everything. You can wear your white tee everyday for a month
and have a completely new look each day. This is the Emily Modal top which is
made from Beech tree fiber. Super soft and eco friendly.

2. Striped Tee
How many tops look sophisticated with a pencil skirt, sexy with a pair of leather
pants, and effortlessly relaxed matched with denim? It's classic, comfortable,
and budget-friendly. Pair it with anything and chances are, you've got yourself
a fantastic outfit. It's hard to go wrong with the striped tee (only $19.95).
This wardrobe staple has been loved by many fashion icons, including
Brigitte Bardot and Audrey Hepburn.

3. Dark Denim
Another key item that never goes out of style and can be worn to a wide array of event. A
good pair of jeans will last for what seems like forever.

4. Black Pants
Every gal needs one pair of black pants that will always make her feel good. Wear them
with a silk blouse and pumps for work or a T-shirt on a chill Saturday. Can’t go wrong
with black pants.

5. LBD
Every woman needs a little black dress. It’s classic, elegant and introduced by Coco
Chanel. No item is more of a blank slate for accessorizing and styling yet completely
chic on its own.

6. Elegant Blazer/Jacket
Need an extra something to pull together an office look? Blazer. A great outerwear
substitute when it's not quite cold enough for a heavy coat? Blazer. The can't-go-wrong
jacket to throw on over your cocktail dress? Blazer blazer blazer.

7. Classic White Shirt
With endless options for how to wear it, consider the classic white shirt your
wardrobe's pinch hitter.

Passion for Silver Icing Fashion

I sell clothes through the Silver Icing company and I love it. It's a Canadian company based in the lower mainland of BC and owned by a woman. The clothes are cute! New stuff is added almost daily so there's always something fresh and exciting to peruse. There's shoes, accessories, pajamas, tops, bottoms, outerwear, exercise wear and more. So many pieces are made in North America. There's a line of eco-friendly material to choose from.

These are my favs. I love the bamboo and live almost exclusively in it. My mom who is picky lives in her selection of Modal tops (beech tree fiber).

The prices are competitive. Great deals to be had when a piece is launched. First time orders from me get a free shipping code.

You can even have parties and earn free clothes. Get your girlfriends together and take turns being the host and this way, everyone can benefit.

Orders over $100 receives free shipping.

Ordering clothes online can be tricky to size. But we have a great return policy if something is too big or too small. I've had to use it myself and it's true, they uphold their policy.

Head on over to my silver icing fan page and like it to keep up to date on new items and presales.

Check out my online store and have a persusal. See something you like? Don't delay your order as these hot items tend to sell out quickly.